the driver.

my, speakers.
i encourage children to do bad things.

picnik-ing with dane cook.

i have this insane desire to just lay back, put on some headphones, and sing obnoxiously loud to the fan above. nothing would please me more right now. i can't seem to tear away from the pc though. i keep editing pics and stuff y'know? not like, super photoshop editing, the lazy, editing. it reaps good results, but it's something everyone can do. i'm also watching dane cook's vicious circle. dude's insanely funny. white people worship him though, it's crazy. i can say that without being racist because i'm like a quarter white or smth...f-you, i suck at math. lol "we have no idea that you just fucking ninja'd our brain" "MY FATHER'S A BRILLIANT MAN! YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW!"...ok enough of the transcriptions...dude's hilarious.

ok i went downstairs for an hour, came back up, and realized i hadn't finished this so here's one of my edited pics:

it says [G]enius.[Q]uality. behind me. that's the new GQ, cuz gentlemen's quarterly is played.
get familiar Photobucket. (clinton sparks just got phrase-jacked)

ok, dane cook is over and i'm hitting the sack...i got business to attend to.

Outty. 5g's.

1 responses:

aeriin said...

"take your dress off and let's end this little tea party."
