the driver.

my, speakers.
i encourage children to do bad things.


5 is not interchangeable with S, 3 is not interchangeable with E, 4RM will NEVER be FROM, and how the FUCK did 9 become interchangeable with G?!?

you, sir*, are a dumbass.
*by 'you' i mean any of the generation Y/Z dumbasses that employ the use of that retarded numbers shit.  religiously.



this reminds me of the remote lady my cousin encountered on the phone a while back.

i was in best buy on thursday, drooling in front of the HD televisions like i usually do when i'm there. an old man walks up. like, one of those mid-60s and in that "the best shape of my life" condition, which we all know is just sad to hear from old people. ANYWAY, we're both standing there looking at the HDTV when they show an extended clip from X-Men 3...

Old Guy: boy that picture sure is great, ain't it?
Me: yea, it's kinda like looking out of a window almost. very high pixel-count.
Old Guy: yea it's a lot pixels in this one (with a tone alluding to the strong possibility that he has no idea what pixels are)
Me (mentally): ooooookay...
(magneto & co. come to the bridge)
Old Guy: looks like some kinda terrorist attack
Me: yea. kind of, they're gonna move the bridge*
Old Guy: the one in the middle there (magneto), isn't that Leonard Nimoy?
Me: (pause) no, that's (annunciating) Ian McKellan.
Old Guy: (painfully oblivious) god, Leonard Nimoy's old! (chuckles) y'know he used to be on tv in the 60s.
Me: .......(long, confused pause).......yea, he's in the new star trek film playing a down the street.
Old Guy: ........(at this point he's staring at the screen, aloof and apparently in dire need of a hearing aid).......

...awkward silence...

Old Guy: (chuckles to himself) nimoy...

and then i had to walk away because i was torn between being annoyed with his old/hearing-impairedness and dying of laughter, cuz he was so borderline senile/hearing-impaired.

hm, idk how funny this is in writing. kinda one of those had-to-be-there moments i suppose.

regardless, it was funny as hell. you missed out.

*as i replay the situation in my head, it's becoming increasingly apparent that he didn't hear that statement at all.



"...The ink of a scholar is worth a thousand times more than the blood of a martyr..."
-Lupe Fiasco, American Terrorist (Food & Liquor)

American Terrorist is my all-time favorite Lupe Fiasco song, and one of my favorite songs in general. it's one of those songs where every component compliments the other. the instrumental sounds right with matthew santos' voice (and his pseudo-accent...which also works). lu's lyrics reflect on american terrorism, shit we do that fucks up our/other peoples' lives. idk how to explain it really. the song is just really awesome. of course you should NOT (by any means) get your hopes up. honestly, i'd hate to do that to anyone. though this song reeks of sheer AWESOME, that same AWESOMENESS may be about knee-high awesome to you. so, y'know...i definitely recommend you listen (that is, if you haven't already. it was on food & liquor so you're slipping already).

by the time this posted it should be in rotation on my cassette there --->
if not, it's here. (<--- you should click that).
if it's not there, then it's lost and you've missed out on a mighty dose of AWESOME.
or you can google it.



i went back to school today. i had to pick up my PSP. you can't imagine how quiet it gets walking 5 miles to a movie theatre with no music. no, don't imagine. it's just terrible. know that much.

that is now irrelevant.

what's relevant is this disastrous song i just heard over on this blog performed by none other than Angel Lola Luv, the chick with the plastic...uh...EVERYTHING. Ms. Luv (now to be known as Lola Monroe onstage...go figure) has a song out called...idk, the name doesn't matter. i'm sure if you type in "lola luv song" or something like that in google you'll find it. now, once you find it, you have to make the choice as to whether or not your ears are structurally sound enough for the ignorant ramblings of what appears to be a video vixen desperately attempting to get an extension on her ever-waning 15 minutes of fame.* personally, i could've done without hearing that. ever. the song takes away from her hot, silicone-y good looks. i swear, every time i look at her from now on i'm gonna hear her odd, hard-to-place accent droning on about how much money she has and how people respect her (not because of her large plastic ass and tits. of course not).

now, with all of that said...i'm concluding this post to move to the next one.



today was officially the last day of high school for us seniors.

i skipped school and spent 8 hours in Barnes & Noble.


as this infinitesimal chapter of my life comes to a close, the following observations have been made apparent:
  • the negative shit i experienced throughout high school, generally speaking, didn't make me a better person.
  • of the many teachers i've had over these past four years, there are only 5 that i wouldn't tell to fuck themselves.
  • every math class i took was completely and totally worthless.
  • none of my "friends" were actual friends in the sense that, when it reeeaaaaally came down to it, they didn't really give a fuck about me.
  • people only started to like me because of my music (that's started to like me, to be clear). i think people saw it as more of a novelty. like i wasn't serious or something...idk.
  • priscilla adams, morris davis, derek mccray, and dwayne lawyer are undoubtedly the SHITTIEST administrators to ever share air with the students of mundy's mill.
Somewhere, on a higher plane where the books of our lives are kept, some cosmic author has just come up with the perfect title for this chapter of life.

Epic Failure.


Fill in the Blank:
i smoke until i can't feel my __________(face, fingers, feelings).

happiness is __________(love, a warm gun, music).

Essay/Short Answer
ever notice how some rappers'll say shit like 'fuck the world' or 'i don't need shit' just to sound hard or whatever? i hate that shit, immensely. so you'll understand that when I say fuck the world with the sickest AIDS-dick in existence, you're positive that i'm serious. and that's how it is now...just...FUCK everything. the only thing that matters to me at this moment is the food on my plate. so when that's gone? i'm finished.'s all just aesthetics...the whole world...just aesthetics...or aesthetically focused...

if what you bring to the table isn't something profoundly beautiful, stay the FUCK away from the table.

i think that's how it goes.

in that same vein of thought, it looks like i'll be having picnics for some time on...

it's just...she said it so FUCKING quickly. blindsided me...

no more awesymmetry. 

no more ----. 



seriously...i've been blown all day. like, since i'm not sick anymore i'm happy cuz my lungs are working at full capacity and that means i can uh...breathe deep. yea, it's beautiful. i've been downloading movies and putting them on my ps3 all day. like, full-length movies. today's achievements: Donnie Darko, The Lion King, The Dark Knight,  Pineapple Express, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, and Iron Man. next up? The Lord of the Rings EXTENDED Trilogy, The Incredible Hulk, Notorious, and Wall-E. god i love torrents. it's like the easiest shit in the world to d/l this shit nowadays.

ok so that's the initial...

ok so i was watchin the dark knight earlier, right? and i was blown off this that i seperated from my buds, right? and i was watching the scene where the joker and batman are in this chase scene through the streets of chicago gotham city, right? and then the 18-wheeler flips. vertically...and something about that BLEW MY FUCKING MIND. i mean, damn. The Dark Knight is so expertly put can you not love it?

meanwhile, at heartbreak hotel...

there's this girl...she's been mentioned before. we've already been through the "this won't work out past the friends stage cuz you don't like me past the friend zone anyhow" thing, and i'm thinkin i'm over her. then she hits me up for conversation and she's making little flirtacious implications and wondering how far i'll be when i move away to college. the skeptic, previously rejected nigga in my head is like "hold the fuck up... you care now??"...while the optimist in me is like "ok, apparently absence makes the heart grow fonder"...cuz me and her don't see much of each other anymore. don't talk as much either. still, it's madd interesting.

irony of this situation: the skeptic, previously rejected nigga in my head is winning. i guess i'm too set on ---- to reconsider uh...that one.
