assignment for the week: try not to say anything negative about myself (i think my flippancy about certain things led her to believe that i really beat myself up about stuff, which is true and false. mostly false though).
in other news...
got some recording in today! any music i record between now and next week will most likely be dropped on friday of next week. y'know, to build suspense and whatnot. i'm heading out to fayetteville again tomorrow for one of my pavillion-based shopping excursions. planning on hittin best buy up and bingeing on CDs. still don't have my phone, so if the madre wants to contact me? o. fucking. well. i think i'm gonna catch Monsters vs. Aliens in 3D while i'm out as well, i just wanna see how it looks since the 3D theatres weren't set up when coraline was out. i also wanna hit up michaels for some art supplies. i do so much graphics work that i forget i can actually draw in real life. idk how i am at painting though, we'll have to find out. 'we' being me and the paintbrush. i wanna do some charcoal work too. damn...i'm gonna enjoy myself tomorrow. i take pleasure in knowing that. added bonus: it's going to rain! also awesome.
damn...i want some cookies.
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