this is Matisyahu, jewish reggae sensation.
i was bumming around Playstation Home earlier today (it's like second life or the of those online social things but with better graphics.) promoting my music as always, right? right. so i'm sitting in the guitar hero part of it when this jewish-looking guy with a huge beard comes up and sits next to me (which is extremely off-putting, IMO). convo ensues...
Him: sup.
Me: sup matisyahu.
Him: ...fuck you.
Me: hey, what's with the attitude matisyahu?
Him: (looong pause) fuck. you. alex ur probably gay.
Me: hey, not my fault u look like jewish reggae sensation matisyahu.
Him: dude, i'm a rabbi
Me: yea i know, just like Matisyahu
*random chick (probably a guy) walks up, sits down*: lol, ur hairy.
Me: i know right? just like matisyahu. that's what i was saying.
Him: dude. i'm a rabbi, what do you think?
Me: i think ur the great jewish reggae sensation matisyahu.
Her: lmao
Him: fml...*leaves*
Me: awww...and Youth was the shit too.
*then we start talking about music which leads to my music and now she's my newest fan on myspace, the end*
i found it funny.
that is all.
o and it turned out she was actually a chick, but it's the internet. everyone's a dude until proven otherwise.
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