the driver.

my, speakers.
i encourage children to do bad things.


i got my camera to work today! that, of course, means that i can record again! i recorded two verses today. one for Knock You Down, and then another over the I'm Illy (T.I.) beat. they came out pretty nice, but i (personally) can tell that i'm out of practice. a few more days of recording and i should be as well-oiled and beasty as ever.

lol, the verses...(click the links)

-lol, i wrote this verse back when i kinda-sorta meant it. no more.

o, and this is me officially returning from my writing hiatus.
i'm getting a mic within the next few weeks, then i'm recording songs...then i'm doing shows all through ATL w/ my n0t-as-talented-as-me cousin.


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