the driver.

my, speakers.
i encourage children to do bad things.


this monday was a better monday than most. not saying it was spectacular, but it didn't bore the shit outta me or make me want to gouge my eyes out.
1st period was cool, just read frankenstein the whole period. idk what everyone's problem with that guy is. i dig that book.

2nd period was just like it always is: educational/entertaining. nothing new there, although i'm pleased to report that i actually get the shit that he's teaching. of course i still hate math, it's just easier to not hate it as much when i actually pay attention.

i love having 3rd period AP Bio. i swear i learn something new every day in there. the intellectual stimulation's flow never stems. and it's easy to pay attention when all you're doing is listening to lectures and taking notes.

4th period re-math is...well, i don't know yet. the teacher's an overly-calm closet conspiracy theorist, but that's not really too disconcerting (well, the latter part at least. the over-calmness is a bit unsettling). we had a diagnostic test today. christmas tree'd that bitch. he said we got a grade for participating. he didn't say we had to answer the questions correctly. specify, specify, specify. loopholes'll save your life, son. save that.

[ favorite part of the day is only 20 minutes long, and completely unrelated to the food. fuck denial, unreciprocation, and about 10 years of unlucky-as-shit-ness, i can't help it. sue me.]

5th period econ. easy-ass assignment and i still manage to not finish in time. idk what it is, i always get distracted by someone or something. the time alotted to us for assignments is usually occupied by excessive laughter. it's cool though, i've resolved to not fail this semester. no matter what. now let's see how long that lasts.

6th period. re-literature. ever heard of A Wagner Matinee? if so, i'm sorry. if not, do. not. google it. it's boring as dry dog shit. if all realist works are as dull and listless as that one story is, i'll pass. fiction does me just fine, thank you.

and that's my day. in a mutant nutshell.
after school i came home, peed, PS3'd, searched for weed, and...uh...ate. =/
(shut up, i'm still a better lyricist than you)


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