the driver.

my, speakers.
i encourage children to do bad things.

live [amzg]. and prosper.

was bored in school yesterday, so i drew on my hand. then i come home, wash my hands, it turned kinda super-violet-ish and i was like "whoa, wizard!" and took a pic. so uh...yep.


8 responses:

Ki said...

that does look pretty freaking cooool. hmmm.

maybe your hand has powers!

[Alex]. said...

the power to create words in a sequence pleasing to the mental palette, coupled with the ability to assemble pen strokes into forms pleasing to the visual complex??

shiiiit, superman ain't got shit on these hands.

Ki said...

Psh, right!! And not to mention..all of this from a guy with no vowels in his name. Smh. He has waay to many things going for him dammit!

[Alex]. said...

(sfx: *GASP*) he must be stopped.

but he can't be stopped.

ooh i smell a comic book....I'M GETTING INSPIRED AGAIN!!!


Ki said...

=0 my smelly senses are tingling...the smell of superheroism is in the air pungent as ever! Oh what are we to dooo!!!

[Alex]. said...

quick! to the batcave!

Ki said...

*Pulls on metallic purple latex body suít with the speed of sound...* ok! Let's gooo!! *goes flash on them hoesss...* wooooosh

[Alex]. said...

