the driver.

my, speakers.
i encourage children to do bad things.


maaaaaaaaan. i'm swallowin daggers right now. i swear if i got strep throat i'ma be TOO heated. i kinda really wanted to go to school today, but since i'm not?? that's right: MK vs. DC all day. shit's addictive for no good reason. i think i might find Coraline on the net and watch it again. did i mention i finally saw it? it was saturday. shit was amazing like i thought it'd be. though you could kinda sense burton's absence from the project. pixar's lookin to drop another gem soon too, called Up. if anything, i'll see it for the visual pleasing-ness of it. pixar really knows how to capture your eye.

but back to the main story...

i really need my throat to not hurt anymore. i think i'm bout to eat some soup. noodles preferably. idk, maybe i'll pop a few nyquil and call it a nite. i'd dip into the stash again, but once you wake up high? gotta take a break. i don't really dig that feeling. it's like "surprise! you're still high!" no sir. gotta face reality for a while again.

aight i'm outty.

4 responses:

Ki said...

Aww I hope you feel better! And I still haven't played MK vs DC yet, I need to thoughh!!! Ugh. The preview I watched looked crackkk!!!

[Alex]. said...

thanks! i'm a lil better now. not good enough though.

mk vs. dc is nice, but i took out a year warranty so i can just take it back when i get bored.

lalaliybean said...

the fact that you said you WOKE UP high really baffles me. what the hell kinda weed do you smoke? loll

feel better though, friend.

...and i don't think weed is gonna help.

[Alex]. said...

this is like the strongest slow-rolling shit ever. it's HEAVY. i wish i knew what it was though.