the driver.

my, speakers.
i encourage children to do bad things.


ok so i saw 25 things on this blog (this is a link, sir. click it.), and i've got nothing else to do so uh...yea...

  1. before the fire in '05, i had small samples of assorted drugs in little bags. not for usage... just to say i had them.
  2. The Lion King is the greatest movie ever made and i will defend that claim forever.
  3. this chick in my journalism class asked me if music was my life. i said yes before she could even get the "-fe" part outta "life".
  4. i haven't gotten laid this year...still.
  5. Gooey Gus ruined my childhood.
  6. i became an emcee out of boredom. i just happened to be good at it, then i fell in love with it.
  7. sour gummy worms and v8 splash tropical coladas are the greatest things invented since The Lion King.
  8. the arch in my left foot fell, now making it a noticeable half-inch longer than the right one.
  9. i love boobs.
  10. i really love boobs.
  11. when i'm mad i play my music obnoxiously loud and go on GTA IV killing sprees.
  12. my half-brother was born on the same day as me. 3 years later.
  13. if i led a rap group, we'd be called the Flight School Graduates, based on this song.
  14. really though...#4 is kinda bugging me.
  15. old people make me sad.
  16. sometimes i only text girls so that they'll text me back and i can hear my ringtones.
  17. the movie Arachnophobia literally made me arachnophobic. that was 10 years ago.
  18. i'm 18.
  19. ---- doesn't like The Lion King and it hurts me soul.
  20. the fact that two of my friends are drug dealers doesn't strike me as strange at all. which, in turn, worries me.
  21. instead of maybe encouraging me to take a risk and face my feelings, Jazmine Sullivan's Lions, Tigers, and Bears did the EXACT opposite.
  22. seriously... #4 is bugging the doo-doo outta me.
  23. i haven't cried in a little over 2 years.
  24. i miss mary................jane.
  25. fluffy bunny!......wait, what?
  26. my lucky number is 26 becuase it was my dad's b-day.

3 responses:

lalaliybean said...

LMFAO @ #1.

that's really weird about ur half-brother.

& yeah.. #4 would bug me too but I think I'm in the same position. (I have a thing about sex when you're not in a relationship. therefore I get called "wack" by ALOT of over-eager dudes but OH WElL!)

lalaliybean said...

HA! you buttonized your eyesssss!

[Alex]. said...

hm, i can dig and respect that. i get over-eager too, i just play it down.


and yea that pic creeps me out everytime i look at it. plus it makes me wanna see the movie again.