a street team. i think that's one of the reasons i'm so (relatively) unheard of. i don't have the time to promote myself and that's killin me. i need like 2 or 3 people to really dedicate some time to promoting my music across the superhighway. jeez it'd be so much easier to do this in college. not saying i won't be busy, but i'll have complete control over my time and what i do with it. it's incalculably annoying to demo music to people around here and have them say "you why ain't you signed yet?" or "bruh why i ain't hear this shit before?" etc...
i. need. promotion.
maybe i can draft some people.
This Is Why You Should Never Raise a Lone Chicken
What would you do if you thought you were the last human on Earth? Would
you feel happy or sad? If you are an introvert like me, you would feel
3 years ago
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