i get to school just in time for my 3rd period midterm. bright spot: i may have actually passed it. wizard. speaking of wizard, selena gomez's head is disconcertingly large. i'd post a pic, but i'd like to retain the few readers i do have perusing my corner. hm, speaking of corners, i noticed mi primo posted 3 new blogs in a row. cool. they usually prove to be a good read. good deal.
my cousin wants to go to the same college as me. she came over last night to get her hair twisted and it came up in conversation. it was odd because neither one of us had mentioned our college picks to the other before. i guess that just coincides with whatever freaky psycho bond they say we apparently have. w/e. (should've heard my mom, "AWWWW!!!!!!")
idk why, but i've been thinking about Her lately.not in the whole "holy-fuck-dude,-life-sucks-cuz-she-just-refuses-to-return-my-feelings" kind of way, but more like at the base level. like, we don't talk at all. ever. well, i have talked to her scarcely over the past two days, but that was for business. business don't count fool! lol, but yea...just kinda miss the whole friendship thing. i'd call her, but i never know when she's in the mood to talk or not. and i'm not much of a gambler. i do talk to her sibs seldomly though. the younger one more so because one of our classes are in the same area. she used to text me randomly but she just kind of stopped. i just noticed that. interesting. sort of. idk. i'm rambling. testees is premiering and i'm a bit distracted.
stroke of genius: i made fried rice for the first time ever. it was good. all i did was imitate what the hibachi guy at this restaurant did when he was making it in front of us, sans the flamboyant visual effects y acrobatics. the chicken i made for it was good too. prepared just the way hibachi guy did that too. i'm gonna try it a few more times using that method, then i'm going to gradually start tweaking and making it my own. awesome. here's a pic of it (yea, a pic...i was proud of it):
i have this pic idea that i want to come to fruition, but i need the 6 megapixel cam to do it. it's in mi madre's room. bollocks. maybe i should wait until my hair is done to do it. tired of the 'fro pics. if i don't get my hair twisted this weekend i just might cut it. i hate combing it.
i want some cheerios. yep. i wanna cheerio, for sho. chip-chastic cheerio of the honey-nut variety. if there's not enough milk i'm going to be hellaciously pissed. and i never say that word.
okay. moment of truth.
outty 5-stacks.
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