the driver.

my, speakers.
i encourage children to do bad things.


i went back to school today. i had to pick up my PSP. you can't imagine how quiet it gets walking 5 miles to a movie theatre with no music. no, don't imagine. it's just terrible. know that much.

that is now irrelevant.

what's relevant is this disastrous song i just heard over on this blog performed by none other than Angel Lola Luv, the chick with the plastic...uh...EVERYTHING. Ms. Luv (now to be known as Lola Monroe onstage...go figure) has a song out called...idk, the name doesn't matter. i'm sure if you type in "lola luv song" or something like that in google you'll find it. now, once you find it, you have to make the choice as to whether or not your ears are structurally sound enough for the ignorant ramblings of what appears to be a video vixen desperately attempting to get an extension on her ever-waning 15 minutes of fame.* personally, i could've done without hearing that. ever. the song takes away from her hot, silicone-y good looks. i swear, every time i look at her from now on i'm gonna hear her odd, hard-to-place accent droning on about how much money she has and how people respect her (not because of her large plastic ass and tits. of course not).

now, with all of that said...i'm concluding this post to move to the next one.


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