the driver.

my, speakers.
i encourage children to do bad things.


Fill in the Blank:
i smoke until i can't feel my __________(face, fingers, feelings).

happiness is __________(love, a warm gun, music).

Essay/Short Answer
ever notice how some rappers'll say shit like 'fuck the world' or 'i don't need shit' just to sound hard or whatever? i hate that shit, immensely. so you'll understand that when I say fuck the world with the sickest AIDS-dick in existence, you're positive that i'm serious. and that's how it is now...just...FUCK everything. the only thing that matters to me at this moment is the food on my plate. so when that's gone? i'm finished.'s all just aesthetics...the whole world...just aesthetics...or aesthetically focused...

if what you bring to the table isn't something profoundly beautiful, stay the FUCK away from the table.

i think that's how it goes.

in that same vein of thought, it looks like i'll be having picnics for some time on...

it's just...she said it so FUCKING quickly. blindsided me...

no more awesymmetry. 

no more ----. 


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