this reminds me of the remote lady my cousin encountered on the phone a while back.
i was in best buy on thursday, drooling in front of the HD televisions like i usually do when i'm there. an old man walks up. like, one of those mid-60s and in that "the best shape of my life" condition, which we all know is just sad to hear from old people. ANYWAY, we're both standing there looking at the HDTV when they show an extended clip from X-Men 3...
Old Guy: boy that picture sure is great, ain't it?
Me: yea, it's kinda like looking out of a window almost. very high pixel-count.
Old Guy: yea it's a lot pixels in this one (with a tone alluding to the strong possibility that he has no idea what pixels are)
Me (mentally): ooooookay...
(magneto & co. come to the bridge)
Old Guy: looks like some kinda terrorist attack
Me: yea. kind of, they're gonna move the bridge*
Old Guy: the one in the middle there (magneto), isn't that Leonard Nimoy?
Me: (pause) no, that's (annunciating) Ian McKellan.
Old Guy: (painfully oblivious) god, Leonard Nimoy's old! (chuckles) y'know he used to be on tv in the 60s.
Me: .......(long, confused pause).......yea, he's in the new star trek film playing a down the street.
Old Guy: ........(at this point he's staring at the screen, aloof and apparently in dire need of a hearing aid).......
...awkward silence...
Old Guy: (chuckles to himself) nimoy...
and then i had to walk away because i was torn between being annoyed with his old/hearing-impairedness and dying of laughter, cuz he was so borderline senile/hearing-impaired.
hm, idk how funny this is in writing. kinda one of those had-to-be-there moments i suppose.
regardless, it was funny as hell. you missed out.
*as i replay the situation in my head, it's becoming increasingly apparent that he didn't hear that statement at all.