the driver.

my, speakers.
i encourage children to do bad things.

continuing from the previous entry...

it's so odd.
imagine you were a helium atom. you have two electrons connected to you, always moving, never coming near each other. the matching polarities prevent it, right? of course. now, imagine one day, you're floating around, content with your helium-ness, when you notice that your two electons have done something incredibly odd. they've touched. now the pair float around you as if composed of a single unit. it wasn't expected, it's not especially harmful, it's just odd. there are still two electrons there and that's what really matters, but their defiant act of connectivity is baffling. you, helium, don't know how to react, you can't react. you just watch as this strange procession continues. you wonder what will develop, what will come of it, how it will affect you in the end. all the while you're still reeling at the fact that it happened.

that's me right now.

confused helium.

outty 5g's.

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