the driver.

my, speakers.
i encourage children to do bad things.


been kinda m.i.a. for the past 4 months.
hm, where to start?
well, i got fired. by my grandma.
let that sink in.


by my GRANDMA.
ugh, disgusting.

well, that was march.

i skipped february (that deserves a separate entry all its own. no idea when i'll get to it though).

april, still jobless. still girlfriend-less (i'll cover that in february). i did some new songs. a parody and some little remix verses for some various songs (just for lyrical practice). threw up some new graphic designs, a particular favorite of mine was inspired by the album cover for the juno soundtrack.

speaking of juno, AWESOME movie. if i had ellen page on my friends list she'd definitely be in my top 8 (well, it's actually like 16).

and that's april in an undersized nutshell.

now it's may and we're only like 10 days in. the only significant event i can think of is the passing of the 10th anniversary of my father's death on the 8th. i didn't even feel sad. just weird. i've known more years without him than i have with him. i guess that is sad. but i still feel weird.
i'm gonna end this on that note. yes, a weird note.
i'll probably post within the next hour or so.


1 responses:

All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

so what do u write about folk
hope u dont mind the drive by, up late bored, writing and reading. chk me out one day if u can rawdawgbuffalo and if u like what u read let me know via comment and even feel free to blog roll me