my mother heard my Sexual Harassment (Sensual Seduction parody) song and didn't like it. It's weird cuz I didn't think she would respond so adversely(in fact, i was going to tell her to listen, like i did with I'm N Luv Wit A Scholar). I told her that someone else helped with the lyrics and when she asked who, I told her I couldn't tell her. Bad move. Now she's on the way home talking about how she's gonna set me straight. I don't know how she's gonna do it but I'm somewhat interested in finding out. With that said, this might be my last post in a while. We'll find out.
OUTTY!!!!!! (5000)
This Is Why You Should Never Raise a Lone Chicken
What would you do if you thought you were the last human on Earth? Would
you feel happy or sad? If you are an introvert like me, you would feel
3 years ago
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