the driver.

my, speakers.
i encourage children to do bad things.


FUCK!!! patrick stump and his stupid, potentially awesome movie stole the title for the band i've been dreaming of since i first got into rock music. what's even more ironic is that i was thinking of the name (Radioactive Man, for those that didn't know) based on freakin Fall Out Boy! the cool thing about this is that i was on the right brainwave when thinking of my title. i mean, holy shit. i thought like patrick stump for a brief moment. wizard.

for those that don't know, Fallout Boy (titled that way in this case) is the name of a sidekick in a fictional comic book in The Simpsons. whose sidekick is he?? Radio-freakin-active Man. i picked the name as an homage to my favorite band, he picked the name cuz...well, he's in the band.

still, this is asscheeks cuz now if i start a band and name it Radioactive Man, i'm not clever anymore, i'm just biting someone else's idea.

i even disigned a logo!!!

made this like, two years ago

fuck fuckity fuck-fuck-fuck.

FOB's still my favorite band though.

but still...


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