this has nothing to do with mcdonalds.
this has to do with the dumbasses that like to go around messing up wikipedia pages. no, not the ones that'll erase the whole page and put the word POOP! in colossal brown letters. those people are easy to catch. i'm talking about the ones that'll alter little crucial details in a page that you don't notice until your teacher hands your report back like 'since when does activation energy do anything to directly affect the lysing of a cell? try again dipshit'. then you go back to wikipedia that day and find out that stupid activation energy is used primarily in enzymatic reactions and not much else. those are the assholes. then it's always stupid shit you would've caught if you'd taken the time to read the words you were copy/pasting, so you feel like an even larger dumbass for letting the OG dumbass affect your grade.
so yea. i'm mad at you, McJackass.
and i'm McOUTTY.
This Is Why You Should Never Raise a Lone Chicken
What would you do if you thought you were the last human on Earth? Would
you feel happy or sad? If you are an introvert like me, you would feel
3 years ago
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