the driver.

my, speakers.
i encourage children to do bad things.

el debate.

man, i'm incredibly pissed. i spent an hour and a half dialing and redialing, trying to call in to CNN. all i got out of that was an overheated phone and 2 bars of battery gone. dammit. i had what i was going to say ready too. the debate tonight was pretty heavy, in my opinion. mccain was more aggressive than usual. unfortunately, his rumors didn't quite hold up to obama's facts. i think obama brought his d game tonight. letting mccain ramble belligerently, subsequently making an ass of himself. works for me. anyone ever notice that when mccain was trying to debunk somethin that obama said, obama kinda shook his head and did that "nigga please..." smile? that was classic.

in other news...

i just heard the new kanye tune, Heartless. it's not bad, definitely not the best either. the verses were pretty ass-ish, but the chorus is catchy. sounds nice with the auto-tune too. might make a tone of it. probably shouldn't though. my phone's memory is dangerously low. plus it's already running on fumes after the 90-minute calling tangent i just went on. maybe later.

hm, i really proved my "actor." post true last saturday night. not in a good way though. i may elaborate later, but i doubt it.

going to rest now.


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