the driver.

my, speakers.
i encourage children to do bad things.

the new danger.

this is me at my deadliest: caught in the violent act of making the paper scream.
my weapon of choice? a Pentel R.S.V.P.
fine point, cuz i'm dirty like that.


random thought.2

happy people make my nuts itch.

ok so.

of this i am certain: i do not want the name Kevin (or Kvn) anywhere NEAR my stage name. i want there to be a distinction between my music and...everything else...though i still want them to be connected. idk if that's clear or not. w/e.

who is A.P.?


first and foremost, Folie a Deux has claimed yet another set of headphones. my skullcandies too. fuck. damn my taste for loud music. i need some of them industrial strength jawns...or some quieter CDs. but the latter is far too unlikely. FaD's starting to wreck my boom box too. well, that and 808s, which is straight up speaker HELL (seriously, love lockdown is a monster on those subwoofers). but that's all for that.

in other news...

it appears that i've become disillusioned. i.e., i've lost my inspiration (in general) and it's skewing my perspective on a lot of things. i'd go into details but...idk, it'd be all incoherent and you'd be pissed at me for having you read it. one's best bet would be to just take my word for it:
i'm all fucked up again.

i wish i had some weed...or zoloft. i've only used one for mood enhancement, but i've heard good things about zoloft sooo...who knows.

is it bad that i desire medication (both conventional and otherwise) for use as a means of escape from my troubled mind?

do i particularly care right about now?

bout to go bump 808s and shoot random people on GTA IV...or maybe i'll watch Roscoe Jenkins...Nicole Ari Parker makes me drool. but not like Halle Berry. Halle Berry would so own me in a relationship. i'd be too dumbfounded from looking at her to disagree with anything. gotta admire that goddess...

but um... yea. i'm outty.


live [amzg]. and prosper.

was bored in school yesterday, so i drew on my hand. then i come home, wash my hands, it turned kinda super-violet-ish and i was like "whoa, wizard!" and took a pic. so uh...yep.


random quatrain.

sittin here, thinkin bout my alien-ness (i'm inner-alien, i'm from here...just waaaay deep in here)
while readin up on a blog about this alieness (chick named kmX has a blog. it's kinda dope, minus the 'kinda)
party life in the b/g, relievin my stress (playin on this other chick's blog: single, black, female, addicted to retail)
maaaaaan, fuck what you heard. jigga's the BEST ('nuff said, werd.)

yea i'm bored.

highlight the post for breakdowns. cuz i just felt like typing more afterwards. nevermind. the color thing's being homo. fucktard.

4,3,2,1 - DatPiff AllStars (including yours truly)

off of the An Ode to Hip-Hop mixtape coming SOON. i think i'm like, the eighth verse on there. so skip to about 4 minutes if you just wanna hear me, but don't do that cuz everyone on here is dope as FUCK.


the visual [Kvn].2 - "[Kvn]. and His [amzg].robots"

so here are a few of my original drawings. they're pretty much all abstract. well, abstract in the sense that there's no set interpretation to any of them. i usually go around mi escuela asking people what they think of when they see them, what it makes them think of, or what they thought i was thinking when i drew them. the answers never cease to intrigue me.

"The ReCESsion is OFFICIAL" - i drew this over the course of a few days. i'd add something to it whenever i felt inspired. i like people's takes on this. there's an homage to KAWS here, see it?

"The ReCESsion OFFICIAL" - behind the heart.

"[a-bot]." - short for [amzg].robot. this is what the little guys from "The ReCESsion" look like up close. simple as he is, i dig him because he's my original character and i like the ownership. (i pronounce [a-bot]. like 'abbott', not like 'ey-bot'. odd, i know. but i just like it that way.)

"Hungry for Insight" - the latest so far. i just really like this one. i think the [a-bot]. head is going to be a fixture in my stuff. lol, what am i already is.

i've got some more but they're uh...elsewhere. can't wait to hit up the art supply store, i want to put "Hungry" on a big canvas.

oh, and anybody with some nice adobe illustrator skills hit me up. though i'll probably just end up buggin mi primo for assistance later.

random thought.

life imitates art
art imitates life
i'm imitating myself.
"The man in the mirror keeps sayin’ I hate you
I respond like 'little nigga I made you'"
-Charles Hamilton, Change Gonna Come


take me back?

well, i figure since the country's represented by someone of a uh...respectable calibur, i think i'm going to reclaim america as my home country again. see? it's got a nice ring to it now, doesn't it? feel that diversity? makes my brain tingle. dopeness.

cambie está aquí.

good morning america! today is the day. Barack Hussein Obama II, born of sound mind and african-american descent, will be sworn in as the 44th President of the United States. i swear, i'm just as giddy as i was when he was first elected. it's just an overwhelming feeling of success/inspiration. i'm so glad i'm alive for this, yet kinda bummed that Dr. King isn't. i'm happy for all the little kids who get to grow up thinking a black president is nothing out of the ordinary, because it shouldn't be out of the ordinary. the fact that it took over 200 YEARS for a person of any differing race to run the country is a jarring reminder of the sea of racism in which we float so tranquilly in. BUT. but...i'm not here to complain. change is here and change will last. though i rarely enjoy this sensation, i am optimistic. congratulations mr. soon-to-be President.

make this work.



ok so me y mi madre just got back (er, 2 hours ago) from peepin that new biggie flick and, though i was skeptical when i saw the previews, it was DOPE. i mean, it was kind of the stereotypical, "rags-to-riches-to-too-much-riches-to-moral downfall-to-the-enlightenment-to-tragic-death" kind of story, but it was still told very well. there was good humor to drama ratio. the big guy playing the notorious big guy played the hell outta that role. although he looked scary as hell in the scenes when he was pissed. like an angry gorilla, bonkers. actually, all the actors were on point except for goddamn clarence. y'know clarence, papa doc from 8-mile. "he's a gangster? his real name's clarence!". yea, him. they made him TUPAC. madd disrespect. but fuck him, i don't wanna talk about that. this is actually all i have to say about the movie, go see it for yourselves. definitely worth it. gets my seal of approval and, last time i checked, that means something. dammit.

now go learn something.

p.s. Naturi "The-girl-that-got-kicked-outta-3lw-and-plays-Lil Kim-in-NOTORIOUS" Naughton? very nice.
though you made watching that movie with my mom MADD awkward.

hard. er.

i just gotta say this: i SNAPPED on that Go Hard shit. i mean, what can i say? khaled's beats bring out the beast in me, and when i get beasty on shit, some of my peers start to give me them dirty looks.

"so ego-tistic when he kicks shit
when he flip shit
every rhyme is a skateboard trick"...shiiit.

maaan....rappers been on guard since i snapped and smashed They Know.

it's de-lovely.

everything i've done musically?
put it on hold.
i've got a new music project that's gonna be fuckin lovely.
to wax philadelphian dialect: i'm in my bag with this one.
seriously... i just feel, inspired.
i will tell you that it's a cover album, and that it's gonna be sick. it's gonna be sick.
second one was just for emphasis.

so uh... yea, thataboutit.
kicked back to american idol for the 2nd night in a row, the horrible-as-sin to ridiculously-talented-for-no reason ratio was pretty balanced. dead wife guy, lil round, jp (jd? idk, he was asian), and that kid with the hat (vaughn or something) are all potential finalists IMO. o, and castro's brother's kinda nice with it. be on the lookout for him too.

ok, so now that's about it.

i'm outty.

p.s. "why you tryna take my cookie from me?"...*DEAD*


this monday was a better monday than most. not saying it was spectacular, but it didn't bore the shit outta me or make me want to gouge my eyes out.
1st period was cool, just read frankenstein the whole period. idk what everyone's problem with that guy is. i dig that book.

2nd period was just like it always is: educational/entertaining. nothing new there, although i'm pleased to report that i actually get the shit that he's teaching. of course i still hate math, it's just easier to not hate it as much when i actually pay attention.

i love having 3rd period AP Bio. i swear i learn something new every day in there. the intellectual stimulation's flow never stems. and it's easy to pay attention when all you're doing is listening to lectures and taking notes.

4th period re-math is...well, i don't know yet. the teacher's an overly-calm closet conspiracy theorist, but that's not really too disconcerting (well, the latter part at least. the over-calmness is a bit unsettling). we had a diagnostic test today. christmas tree'd that bitch. he said we got a grade for participating. he didn't say we had to answer the questions correctly. specify, specify, specify. loopholes'll save your life, son. save that.

[ favorite part of the day is only 20 minutes long, and completely unrelated to the food. fuck denial, unreciprocation, and about 10 years of unlucky-as-shit-ness, i can't help it. sue me.]

5th period econ. easy-ass assignment and i still manage to not finish in time. idk what it is, i always get distracted by someone or something. the time alotted to us for assignments is usually occupied by excessive laughter. it's cool though, i've resolved to not fail this semester. no matter what. now let's see how long that lasts.

6th period. re-literature. ever heard of A Wagner Matinee? if so, i'm sorry. if not, do. not. google it. it's boring as dry dog shit. if all realist works are as dull and listless as that one story is, i'll pass. fiction does me just fine, thank you.

and that's my day. in a mutant nutshell.
after school i came home, peed, PS3'd, searched for weed, and...uh...ate. =/
(shut up, i'm still a better lyricist than you)


the visual [Kvn].1 - "[Sprint Highway]."

photos taken/edited: 1/11/09
i'm very pleased with how these came out. it's been a while since i had one of my spontaneous 'photo shoots'. as always, it was very therapeutic.

these are only a few from the set, the rest are available here.

on another menu...

i'm watching this season premier of 24 (also happens to be my first time watching the show. ever.), and i'm already in agreement with the general public: jack bauer is the shit. and that's just based off of his diction alone. we'll see how the rest plays out as the episode continues. i've got high hopes though.



i'm like, STUPID pissed right now, but i'm going to refrain from going into details until i get some concrete facts down on this shit. be on the lookout.

wtf? Tom Green?!


[sprint highway].

welcome to sprint highway, home of the ill generation. sprint highway is my [State] of mind. inside this state there are 6 large cities, named after their respective leaders. four of the cities' leaders ([truth]., [death]., [fresh]., [next].) have already been discussed in a previous post, click here for more information.

[Sprint Highway].

*the capital is a new addition to the generation: city-[amzg].. [amzg]. takes the helm as leader of city-[amzg]. and, respectfully, generation ill. [amzg]. has replaced kid truth (now recognized as [truth].) as the leader of the generation. [amzg]. is the generation as a collective, the over-soul, so-to-speak. he taps into all of the generation's strengths, just as .[gzma] taps into their weaknesses.

**.[gzma]-ytic is the anti-capital of sprint highway. headed by it's leader, .[gzma], [gzma]-ytic. is the sole counteractive force in the state. the anti-soul, drawing on the weaknesses and faults of the generation and amplifying them. .[gzma] is corruptive, malignant generation cancer.

illustrations coming soon.


"i set my clocks early 'cause i know i'm always late"
i'm not supposed to carry last year's baggage into the new year. that's a bad beginning. i've successfully carried my depression (once character-building, it has slowly grown into a character-crippling, slow-rolling wave of nightmarish hell.), my unrequited longing, my affinity for the just-slightly unattainable, my overwhelming apathy, and my unparalleled lateness. it seems that, without fail, i am (and will always be) just off the key of time. whether mentally, physically, or otherwise, i'm always just a little bit off. anytime i seem to get ahead, the moment i realize that i am in such a state, whatever driving force at the helm of my late state kicks it in to 5th and aptly resolves the error. i keep telling myself that i'm just making shit up, but examples are popping up weeds and in a bad way. slow to realize, "oh you just missed ____", "she said what? when? oh."
. my. life.

happy new year.
hm, a bit late for that.
go figure.
